Yu. Stenkin. On the PRISMA project. ArXiv: 0902.0138v1 [Astro-ph.IM]
V. V. Alekseenko, A. B. Chernyaev, D. D. Djappuev, N. F. Klimenko, A. U. Kudjaev, O. I. Michailova, Yu. V. Stenkin, V. I. Stepanov, V. I. Volchenko. 10-100 TeV cosmic ray anisotropy measured at Baksan EAS "Carpet" array. ArXiv: arXiv:0902.2967 [astro-ph.GA].
2008Yu. M. Andreyev, V.A. Kozyarivsky and A.S. Lidvansky, Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays and New Discoveries in Its Measurements, arXive: astro-ph/0804.4381v1, 28 April, 2008.
2007Yuri V. Stenkin. / «EAS longitudinal development and the knee» // arXiv: astro-ph/0707.2231 (2007)
Yuri V. Stenkin. / “Thermal neutrons in EAS: a new dimension in EAS study” // arXiv: hep-ex/0702048 (2007)
A.L.Tsyabuk, R.A.Mukhamedshin and Yu.V.Stenkin./ “Lateral distribution for aligned events in muon groups deep underground”. // arXiv: hep-ex/0701013 (2007)
2005A.S. Lidvansky, Air Cherenkov Methods in Cosmic Rays: A Review and Some History, ArXiv: astro-ph/0504269 (2005).
Yuri V. Stenkin. Power Law Spectra in the Nature: Analogies with the Cosmic Ray Spectrum. ArXiv: astro-ph/0507019
A.L.Tsyabuk, R.A.Mukhamedshin and Yu.V.Stenkin. Search for Aligned Events in Muon Groups Deep Underground. ArXiv: astro-ph/0507020
Yuri V. Stenkin. Two approaches to the cosmic ray "knee" problem and the experimental data. ArXiv: astro-ph/0507018
2004V.A. Kozyarivsky, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov, and T.I. Tulupova, Mean Diurnal Variations of Cosmic Ray Intensity as Measured by Andyrchi Air Shower Array and Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope,ArXiv: astro-ph/0406059, 2004.
N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, and V.B. Petkov, Electric Field of Thunderclouds and Cosmic Rays: Evidence for Acceleration of Particles (Runaway Electrons)
Yu. V. Stenkin. Remarks on astrophysical origin of the knee in cosmic ray spectrum. ArXiv: astro-ph/0410574
A. L. Tsyabuk, R. A. Mukhamedshin and Yu. V. Stenkin. Search for Aligned Events in Muon Groups Measured by BUST ArXiv: astro-ph/0411381
2003N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov, Yu.P. Surovetsky, and A.F. Yanin, An Estimate of the Minimum Distance to Lightning Events Associated with Cosmic Ray Enhancements during Thunderstorms
N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov, Yu.P. Surovetsky, The Effect of the Disturbed Electric Field of the Atmosphere on Cosmic Rays: 1. Soft Component
N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, and V.B. Petkov, The Effect of the Disturbed Electric Field of the Atmosphere on Cosmic Rays: 2. Hard Component
Yuri V. Stenkin and J.F. Valdes-Galicia. On the neutron bursts origin. CERN. EXT–2003-020. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/612647/files/ext-2003-020.pdf
Yuri V. Stenkin. Does the “knee” in primary cosmic ray spectrum exist? CERN. EXT-2003-026. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/614344/files/ext-2003-026.pdf
Yuri V. Stenkin. On the “knee” in primary cosmic ray spectrum. CERN. EXT-2003-046. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/624907/files/ext-2003-046.pdf
N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov, and Yu.P. Surovetsky, The Effect of Lightning on the Intensity of the Soft Component of Cosmic Rays
В.В. Алексеенко, В.Н. Бакатанов, Д.Д. Джаппуев, Я.С. Еленский, В.Ф. Кавторов, Ю.Н. Коновалов, А.У. Куджаев, Ю.В. Стенькин, В.И. Степанов, Установка «Ковер»: оценка углового разрешения с использованием детектора черенковского излучения, Препринт ИЯИ РАН, 1109/2003.